
Import and Export

Food, Health Food and other Import and Export

We will find the best solutions to your problems. Small and medium businesses that are just starting business overseas will need to keep the cost down. And for those companies that are already overseas, we can give you efficient and accurate advice.

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Support in expanding overseas

We have networks in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, America to help you expand your business overseas. As a partner , we will gather information on the country and also do background research on other companies in the same area.

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Setting up affiliated firms・Client Referrals

Want to expand your business overseas but don't know how and who to get advice from? We will guide you through all the necessary steps in setting up your affiliated firms.

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Foreign Investors・Investment Referrals

We also work with private equity investments and financing. We have cross border value added investments in Japan and Asia. Our goal is to make the global economy better by supporting new types of businesses. Through finding new business areas and labor we can achieve that.

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